Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Healthy Knees Clinic Tomorrow.

Since 42% of all overuse injuries involve and affect the knee joint, if you are a runner then you may be one of the majority who are experiencing "runner's knee." Runner's knee is the most common running related injury and involves the mis-tracking of the patella within the femoral groove.

There are several ways to avoid and/or recover from overuse and running related knee injuries including strengthening the quadriceps to improve patellar tracking, stretching the hamstrings and calves to reduce over pronation, running on soft but stable surfaces, and gradually adding hills to your training and increasing mileage by only 10% a week.

Another key to knee health is wearing proper footwear to support and cushion your specific and individual gait patterns and biomechanics. Please stop by the shop any day from 10:00 to 6:00 to have an expert gait analysis and shoe fitting with any of our fully trained and qualified representatives.

Another important key to your knee health is being informed and aware of what is happening in a healthy and an injured knee... tomorrow night we have the perfect opportunity for you to learn everything you need to know.

Knee health is very important to keeping you moving, and an extremely important and relevant topic with so many injuries popping up in this area. Feet Feet Bend is hosting Scott Forester for a presentation titled "Healthy Knees for Runners: A mindful Approach." Scott was actually lead to his current occupation in reaction to a knee injury and has a great deal of personal and professional experience and interest on this topic.

Scott is a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant at La Pine Physical Therapy and has been a certified personal trainer since 2000. He is also a running form and movement coach, as well as a volunteer coach for the Fleet Feet Bend No Boundaries Running Programs.

This free seminar will be held Thursday, November 11th at 6:00 pm and will cover;
  • Alignment of the spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet to reduce stress on your joints.
  • Explanation and demonstration of structure and function of the running knee.
  • Instruction on effective and efficient integration of the knee into the running gait.
  • The healing process and how to avoid future injuries to the runner's knee.

Please bring comfortable, loose clothing so that you can participate in exercises and experience the topic. All those in attendance will receive a packet with all the information covered during the seminar and will have the opportunity to have personal direction and experience during Scott Forester's lesson.

Scott Forester can be reached at 541-536-4822 or scottrun400@yahoo.com with any questions or for coaching and personal training.

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