Saturday, September 18, 2010

Congrats Trail Running 101 and No-Bo on Xterra.

Congratulations to all our training program participants on your hard work and accomplishments.

Thank you to all our program members for all your effort and commitment these past weeks. It has been a real pleasure for us to work with you and be part of the experiences and the resulting growth our members displayed not only today during the Xterra 5K, 10K and half marathon races, but consistently through out the entire program. We could not be more proud of all that you have personally accomplished and could not be more honored than we are now to have helped and supported our members as we shared this time with you and helped you to reach your goals. We hope that running will continue to be a positive and ongoing part of your life and that we will also continue to support your progression and development as an athlete and a person.

Please stay posted for pictures from the race and also visit Brightroom Event Photography as photos are loaded over the next several days. You can also look up your results on the Xterra website as they are posted.
Congratulations again and again. We hope that you will take some time to celebrate and reflect on your success and that we will see you out on the trails again soon!

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